Chimaera team event 2024: A day of fun and challenge in Nuremberg!

This year, we celebrated our Chimaera team event in the lovely city of Nuremberg, and it was a huge success! The day kicked off with some delicious burgers that took us on a flavorful journey to the Australian continent. And don't worry, vegetarians and vegans were well taken care of too!
With our energy renewed, we then moved on to the main event: the escape room! Team 1 had to work out how to escape from prison cells, while Team 2 had an equally exciting mission – to break into a mysterious magician's house. But we Chimaeras are ready for anything: Team 1 scaled the prison walls with flying colors, and Team 2 was able to safely steal the hidden crystal that was supposed to spell doom for mankind.
After these exciting adventures, there was a well-deserved reward: delicious Italian ice cream! A perfect end to an unforgettable day.
We are proud to have such smart minds on our team – together we can overcome any challenge!